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As you mention the many things you’re thankful for this Thanksgiving Day, don’t forget to mention your dentist! Your dentist works very hard to give you the smile you have always wanted and deserved. With the help of the following services your dentist provides, it’s possible that you can finally have your dream smile:

Dental Cleanings
If you want a strong and reliable oral health, you need to keep up with your six month checkups. These cleanings will remove the plaque and tartar that live on, grow on, and destroy your smile. This is extremely important because without this treatment, gum disease will develop, and gum disease is a painful, inconvenient disease that leads to loose and lost teeth. The dental cleanings also deeply clean, polish, and nourish your smile.

Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry is a great branch of dentistry that makes it possible to finally achieve the smile of your dreams. So, if you want a perfect smile for your Thanksgiving and Christmas pictures, we encourage you to consider cosmetic dentistry! Your dentist is happy to improve your appearance and correct your smile imperfections to finally help you feel comfortable and confident in your smile.

Preventive Dentistry
With the help of preventive dentistry, you will be able to fight tooth decay and other dental issues all while enjoying your Thanksgiving holiday. Your dentist wants you to have the healthiest smile possible, and they is here to give you that healthy, beautiful smile you are looking for with preventive dentistry.

Restorative Dentistry
It’s no fun to have a toothache or cavity during the holidays, especially because it hurts when you eat your favorite treats. To eliminate the pain and correct any problems in your smile, your dentist happily offers restorative dentistry! With one or two visits to our office, your smile will be as good as new.

Oral Hygiene Tips
With the proper oral hygiene and smile care, your teeth and gums will remain in tip-top shape, even after all of the sugary treats you eat. If you brush your teeth every morning and every night, floss your smile once a day, and rinse your mouth with mouthwash daily, you are on the right track.

So, please feel free to also mention your gratitude for your dentist on our review page or the next time you come into our office. It would make us so happy to hear your success stories and your love for your dentist! Also, please feel free to call our office today and talk to a member of our dental team if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!