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Our friendly dentist and dental team are here to help you achieve your dream smile, one that is beautiful and bright and boosts your self-confidence. Even if you struggle with many unwanted dental flaws, from discolorations and tooth stains to chipped teeth, there is no reason you can’t have the smile you want.

We can cover a variety of tooth imperfections at once by placing dental veneers over the teeth that you aren’t happy with.

Dental veneers are one of the types of cosmetic dentistry can be placed in just two dental visits at Ross Family Dental. First, we need to ensure each tooth has optimal health and structure by performing a thorough examination that involves taking dental X-rays. If the teeth aren’t healthy enough for veneers or don’t have a lot of tooth enamel remaining, you may be better off receiving a porcelain dental crown to enhance your smile.

Next, we take a full impression of your smile and send it to a dental lab so that dental technicians can see the natural appearance of your teeth and custom-made dental veneers. The next step is to take some tooth enamel off the teeth to make space for the veneers when they are completed so that they can be cemented in place and still look natural.

Contact our team at 831-422-5351 today if you would like to learn more about our dental veneers in Salinas, California, and schedule a consultation with Dr. Steven Ross.