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When are expecting, you are probably striving to keep yourself healthy and strong for your own baby’s growth and development. During this time, it may be wise to think about how you can keep your teeth healthy and strong throughout the process. Our team is going to give you some help on how you can have a good oral health during your pregnancy.

Before you consider getting pregnant, it may be wise to schedule an appointment with your dentist. Your dentist can give your teeth a professional cleaning as well as check on the condition of your gums. If there are any problems, your dentist will be able to address them right away.

During your first trimester, you may not notice any changes to your dental health, but don’t slack off on doing the essentials. You should be brushing, flossing and rinsing with a fluoride mouthwash daily.

Nearly 10% of pregnant women will experience swelling in their gums or loose teeth. Talk with your dentist about how you can keep your teeth and gums healthy during the remainder of your pregnancy.

After your pregnancy, maintain your semiannual dentist appointments and still check-in with your dentist to maintain the health and condition of your teeth. If you have questions about your teeth or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact our office at 831-422-5351 today! Our team is willing to help answer any of your questions revolving your teeth and pregnancy.